What is SLI (Supplemental Liability Insurance)?

The following information is for US rentals only.

Supplemental Liability Insurance insures you for injuries to other drivers and their vehicles. Most states require the rental car company have third-party liability that covers a renter, however, they are only required to have state minimum limits which can be quite low and insufficient for more serious accidents. This means it’s the driver’s responsibility to carry insurance to protect against potential liability for injuries to other people and damage to their vehicles and property.

You will usually be offered SLI (also called Accident Liability Insurance/ALI, Supplemental Liability Protection, Liability Insurance Supplement or Renter Liability Protection) by the car rental company. Our SLI provides similar coverage.


What liability coverage limits are provided with the rental vehicle?

In the United States, states have different minimum insurance limits for auto liability. These minimum levels of coverage are often quite low whereas our SLI offers insurance coverage up to $1 million.

The table below is a comparison of minimum auto liability insurance amounts as compared to the SLI coverage for certain states. Remember that rental car companies may only provide auto liability at the state minimum level, or provide none at all in those states that they are not required to.  In addition, if you have personal or business auto insurance it may provide a certain level of coverage when renting a vehicle. Our SLI provides coverage in excess of this insurance coverage, up to $1 million.

 Sample of Minimum legal coverage 
StatePer PersonPer AccidentProperty DamageOur SLI
California$15,000$30,000$5,000$1 million
Florida$10,000$20,000$10,000$1 million
Georgia$25,000$50,000$25,000$1 million
Texas$30,000$60,000$25,000$1 million
Washington$25,000$50,000$10,000$1 million
Other$10-50K$30-100K$5-25K$1 million
Note: from time to time, states change their minimum insurance limit requirements so this chart should be used as an example only.

How does the claims process work?

SLI claims are submitted via our online claims form. Any party (i.e. yourself, the other driver or their insurer, or another third party) can start the claim process.  You will need to provide details about the accident, submit the police report if there is one, provide information about the accident and your rental receipt, as well as provide any details from the third party showing evidence of damages or injuries sustained. As the claim process can be extensive and legally complex we use an insurance partner with highly experienced claims adjusters.