
Hvis du hadde en ulykke, håper vi at alle er trygge! Vi er her 24 timer i døgnet, 7 dager i uken for å sikre at erstatningskravsprosessen foregår uten stress for deg. Vi godkjenner erstatningskravet innen 3 dager etter et erstatningskrav sendes til oss, men vi trenger din hjelp! Vi ber deg om å lese alle disse vanlige spørsmålene, og husk å sjekke e-postene for oppdateringer fra vårt Kravteam.

  1. Før du starter erstatningskravet
    Vi trenger disse 4 eller 5 dokumentene. Mer informasjon ›
  2. Send inn erstatningskravet
    Skriv inn dine detaljer for umiddelbar betaling. Mer informasjon ›
  3. Vi kan ha et spørsmål eller to, vanligvis skjer dette ikke!
    erstatningskravene godkjennes uten spørsmål. Det er en enkel erstatningskravprosessen. Vil vi holde deg oppdatert i løpet av prosessen. Mer informasjon ›
  4. Betalingslaget vårt vil sende deg pengene
    Du vil motta pengene dine mellom 1 - 5 dager, avhengig av hvor du bor og hvor du gikk. Mer informasjon ›
  5. Husk at vi er her for å hjelpeB18!
    Vi har din siste tur dekket, hvorfor ikke bestille din neste!

Vanlige spørsmål

Hvordan utleiefirmaene reagerer på kollisjoner hvor sjåføren har en uavhengig polise, som en fra varierer mellom hvert utleiefirma. Dette er ikke en komplett liste, og det er unntak på en stat-for-stat basis. Hvis ditt utleiefirma er borte, send oss en e-post og vi vil finne ut av kravsprosessen:
Hvis du tar med din egen CDW (kjøpt på
Denne tabellen er en generalisering og det er ikke sikkert den gjelder din sak på grunn av forskjeller i stater. 
Selskap Hvem betaler skaderegning? Hvordan blir regning betalt? Annet du trenger å vite
ACE CDW forsikrer ACE samarbeider direkte med • ACE kontakter din CDW forsikrer umiddelbart etter en ulykke eller ved returnering av kjøretøy.
• Hvis forsikrer av noen grunn ikke umiddelbart aksepterer ansvar for den kommende saken (f.eks. hvis de er stengt), vil ikke ACE belaste deg, men forsøke å kontakte din CDW forsikrer.
Alamo CDW forsikrer Alamo samarbeider direkte med • Alamo kontakter din CDW forsikrer umiddelbart etter en ulykke eller ved returnering av kjøretøy.
• Hvis forsikrer av noen grunn ikke umiddelbart aksepterer ansvar for den kommende saken (f.eks. hvis de er stengt), vil du bli belastet for skadene, og du vil deretter søke refundering fra din CDW forsikrer.
Advantage CDW forsikrer Advantage samarbeider direkte med • Du må raskt engasjere din CDW forsikrer. Din CDW forsikrer vil være ansvarlig for skader.
• IHvis forsikrer av noen grunn ikke umiddelbart aksepterer ansvar for den kommende saken (f.eks. hvis de er stengt), må du forsøke å kontakte din CDW forsikrer, men Advantage vil ikke belaste deg for skadene.
Avis CDW forsikrer Avis samarbeider direkte med • Avis kontakter din CDW forsikrer umiddelbart etter en ulykke eller ved returnering av kjøretøy.
• Hvis forsikrer av noen grunn ikke umiddelbart aksepterer ansvar for den kommende saken (f.eks. hvis de er stengt), vil du bli belastet for skadene, og du vil deretter søke refundering fra din CDW forsikrer.
Budget Poliseholder Budget belaster et beløp basert på "skadevurderingen" og kan ofte bli belastet ditt kredittkort. AON refunderer deg. Du bør forsøke å få  AON til å betale i stedet. • Du må raskt engasjere din CDW forsikrer. De vil sørge for refundering av utgående kollisjonskostnader.
• Budget foretar en kredittsjekk på poliseholder ved tidspunkt for henting og vil mest sannsynlig sjekke din kredittgrense.
Dollar CDW forsikrer Dollar holder sjåføren ansvarlig for inntil ditt forsikringsselskap aksepterer ansvaret. De kan belaste ditt kredittkort. AON refunderer deg. Du bør forsøke å få  AON til å betale i stedet. • Dollar kontakter din CDW forsikrer umiddelbart etter en ulykke eller ved returnering av kjøretøy.
•Hvis forsikrer av noen grunn ikke umiddelbart aksepterer ansvar for den kommende saken (f.eks. hvis de er stengt), vil du bli belastet for skadene, og du vil deretter søke refundering fra din CDW forsikrer.
Enterprise Poliseholder Enterprise belaster et beløp basert på "skadevurderingen". De kan ofte belaste ditt kredittkort. AON refunderer deg. Du bør forsøke å få  AON til å betale i stedet. • Enterprise vil belaste en egenandel direkte fra ditt kredittkort i tilfelle skader ($500 - $1000). 
• Du må raskt engasjere din CDW forsikrer. De vil sørge for refundering av utgående kollisjonskostnader.
Hertz Poliseholder Hertz holder sjåføren ansvarlig inntil CDW forsikrer aksepterer ansvar. De kan ofte belaste ditt kredittkort. AON refunderer deg. Du bør forsøke å få  AON til å betale i stedet. • Du må raskt engasjere din CDW forsikrer. De vil sørge for refundering av utgående kollisjonskostnader.
• Hertz foretar en kredittsjekk på poliseholder ved tidspunkt for henting og vil mest sannsynlig sjekke din kredittgrense.
National Poliseholder National holder sjåføren ansvarlig inntil CDW forsikrer aksepterer ansvar. De kan ofte belaste ditt kredittkort. AON refunderer deg. Du bør forsøke å få  AON til å betale i stedet. • Du må raskt engasjere din CDW forsikrer. De vil sørge for refundering av utgående kollisjonskostnader.
• National foretar en kredittsjekk på poliseholder ved tidspunkt for henting og vil mest sannsynlig sjekke din kredittgrense.


Uheldigvis er det transaksjonskostnader overalt når man reiser internasjonalt. 

Når man betaler et erstatningskrav ved pengeoverføring, vil bankene belaste minst 15 USD (eller tilsvarende i din lokale valuta). Vi vil ikke belaste deg disse kostnadene, om vi må betale et gebyr til banken. Om banken skulle belaste deg med et gebyr, vil vi dessverre ikke kunne dekke kostnaden.
Det er flere hensyn å ta når man sammenligner valutakurser, og det er ulike måter for å beregne de. La oss se på et eksempel:
  • Mark er fra Storbritannia. Han ble belastet 500 euro av utleiefirmaet for en ulykke i Frankrike. Hans erstatningskrav på 500 euro ble i dag godkjent av
  • Mark vil få utbetaling i GBP.
Teamet for erstatningskrav hos konverterer belastningsvalutaen (euro for Mark) til utbetalingsvalutaen (GBP for Mark) på bakgrunn av overføringskursene som er tilgjengelige på ulike plattformer for pengeoverføring. De er 3-5 % bedre enn kurser som tilbys av banker og 4-6% bedre enn hos vekslingsbyråer.

All claims must be submitted online - we recommend that you use a computer instead of a mobile phone for easier document uploading. Just enter your Reference Number (this ends with "INS" and can be found on your confirmation email).

After the protection is completed and the damage charge has been settled with the rental company, please submit your online claim and attach any supporting documents. You can click on the button below to get started. 

Make a Claim


Claim is started via the online claim form

Our Claims Team will assess your claim

Once approved you will receive a payment link via email and text message

Payment is completed quickly by electronic transfer

We will keep you updated by email at every step of the claims journey. With the exception of Supplemental Liability Insurance claims (for US rentals), your claim will take between 5 - 10 days to process depending on where you live and where you went. Claims involving multiple vehicles may take longer.

  Learn more about the documents you need to share when making a claim

All claims follow these four stress-free steps:


Claim is started via the online claim form

Our Claims Team will assess your claim

Once approved you will receive a payment link via email and text message

Payment is completed quickly by electronic transfer (learn more)

We will keep you updated by email at every step of the claims journey. With the exception of Supplemental Liability Insurance claims (for US rentals), your claim will take between 5 - 10 days to process depending on where you live and where you went. Claims involving multiple vehicles may take longer.

If you have any questions about your claim, for example if you would like to submit additional documents to support your claim, please reply to our email and the team will be happy to help. 

Our Claims Team is here to help ensure that the claim process is as stress-free as possible
In the event of a breakdown or an accident, it’s important to ensure everyone is safe. Where possible pull over, turn on your hazard lights and get everyone to safety. You can then:

1. If applicable, collect the other parties' details including their:
  • Full name.
  • Address.
  • Licence number. 
  • Vehicle registration number. 
  • Phone number.
  • Email address.
  • Name of their insurance. 
2. Contact your rental company to report the incident. You can find their number on your signed rental agreement. They will instruct you on processes such as vehicle recovery or replacement, roadside assistance and, any charges you may incur depending on your country of travel.

3. Contact the police to report the incident. Keep documentation of this process. During the claim submission process you will be asked to provide details and documents to support your claim, e.g. police reports or written statements. This may also be a requirement by the rental company. To check if it is required by your rental company, please contact them directly.

4. After following the rental company's instructions and when your rental period is over and the final charges have been settled by the rental company, submit a claim with RentalCover.

If you were involved in a multiple-vehicle accident, contact your rental company to see if they intend to refund those charges if you are found to be “not at fault”. Gather documentation explaining your rental company’s process and rules in this case, as you will need it during the claims process. Check your wording in your RentalCover Account for more information on how we handle "not at fault" accidents.
Do not arrange your own recovery or repair without the rental company’s knowledge as this may invalidate their rental terms and conditions. Charges for towing and vehicle relocation are covered by RentalCover. We do not cover "out-of-pocket" costs such as accommodation or phone calls.

When you complete your rental
Typically if you are travelling outside of the US, you will be charged an excess/deductible for the damages. Sometimes rental companies will charge you the full excess/deductible upfront and partially refund you later if the repair costs end up less than the excess/deductible amount. This helpful article explains what you can do if you don’t receive your partial refund.

After we’ve received all required documents and information our Claims team can begin processing your claim. Please allow time for our Claims Team to assess all the circumstances and evidence related to your claim. Depending on the country and complexity of the claim, it can take several days. Any updates will communicated via email, so please keep an eye on your inbox.

To help our team assess your claim as quickly as possible we ask all customers to provide the following documents using our online claims form. We need full information to assess your claim, so please attach the requested evidence. We will not be able to assess your claim without the required evidence. 

1. A copy of the rental agreement

> What is this?
When you pick up your vehicle, the rental company will provide you with the rental agreement to sign. It should include the names of authorised drivers, the rental dates, rental terms and the excess amount charged by the rental company. The rental agreement is different from the booking confirmation you received when initially booking the vehicle. If you do not have the rental agreement, you can reach out to your rental company for a copy.

Please note that the protection holder needs to be named as an authorised driver on the rental agreement in order for the protection to be valid. 

> Why is it needed?
During a claim assessment, we need to verify that you and any additional drivers are included in the agreement. The documents you provide as proof help us to do so.

>What should it include?
  1. Rental dates.
  2. Names of authorised drivers.
  3. Excess amount.

>What if I don’t have these documents?
If you don’t have the particular documents requested, please supply other evidence to support your claim. This can include correspondence with your rental company or other confirmation of your rental.  

You will have an opportunity to explain your circumstances and missing information during your claim submission.

2. A photo of your driver's licence

> What is this?
This is a photo of the driver’s licence that you used to rent the vehicle. Depending on your country or region, this document may have important information on the front and back. If this is the case, please provide photos of both sides of the licence. 

> Why is it needed?
During a claim assessment, we need to verify that your identity matches the details on your rental agreement and that you held a valid licence at the time of the rental. The documents you provide as proof help us to do so.

>What should it include?
  1. Name.
  2. Licence number (if applicable).
  3. Date of birth.
  Document - Driver's license

>What if I don’t have these documents?
If you don’t have the particular documents requested, please supply other evidence to support your claim. This can include any form of identification that is formally recognised by an issuing government entity.

You will have an opportunity to explain your circumstances and missing information during your claim submission.

3. Proof of payment for the final rental company charges

> What is this?
Once you have made your final payment to the rental company, and if you receive any refunds, this information should show on your bank or credit card statement, depending on which method you used to make your purchase. This should clearly show the final amount you paid to the rental company for damages and any refund you may have received. Refunds often occur if the full excess was charged initially and the final damage cost was less than the amount that you paid.

> Why is it needed?
During a claim assessment, we need to verify the amount that has been paid to the rental company. The documents you provide as proof help us to do so.  

>What should it include?
  1. Booking agent.
  2. Security deposit.
  3. Excess or deductible cover.
  4. Refund for security deposit.

What if I don’t have these documents?
If you don’t have the particular documents requested, please supply other evidence to support your claim. This can include any records from your bank or credit card provider showing that you paid the amount required for your rental and any refunds you received.

You will have an opportunity to explain your circumstances and missing information during your claim submission.

​4. Repair invoice from the rental company

> What is this?

If your vehicle was damaged during your trip, you will receive a final repair invoice or receipt from the rental company after your trip has ended that clearly shows a cost breakdown that separates your rental costs from the damage costs or excess charges. In some cases, this document will also indicate any refund amounts due to you.

> Why is it needed?
During a claim assessment, we need to verify the final damage amount charged by the rental company. The documents you provide as proof help us to do so.

> What should it include?

  1. Repair cost breakdown.
  2. Total cost.
  Document - Driver's license
>What if I don’t have these documents?
If you don’t have the particular documents requested, please supply other evidence to support your claim. This can include correspondence from your rental company, or another document from them including a breakdown of your rental and repair charges.

You will have an opportunity to explain your circumstances and missing information during your claim submission.

5. Proof of correspondence between the driver and the rental company

> What is this?
If you have interacted with the rental company after your accident, please send us a copy of any emails, letters, or customer support chats you have exchanged.

> Why is it needed?
During a claim assessment, we need to verify the details of your situation. The documents you provide as proof help us to do so.

>What if I don’t have these documents?
If you don’t have the particular documents requested, please supply other evidence to support your claim. This can include any documentation of your interactions with the rental company.

You will have an opportunity to explain your circumstances and missing information during your claim submission.

6. Final damage invoice from the rental company

> What is this?
After your trip has ended, your rental company will provide you with a final invoice detailing the final amount you have been charged. It should include a cost breakdown that separates rental costs from damage costs or excess charges and any refunds you may have received.

Some rental companies will charge you the full deductible excess applicable for the car, and later they will refund you. Alternatively, they may just charge you an amount for damages that is less than the full deductible excess. The invoice will make this clear (learn more here).

> Why is it needed?
During a claim assessment, we need to verify the damage charges (i.e. the excess that you are required to pay for the damages). The documents you provide as proof help us to do so.

>What should it include?
  1. Cost breakdown
  Document - Final invoice
>What if I don’t have these documents?
If you don’t have the particular documents requested, please supply other evidence to support your claim. This can include the most recent invoice you received from your rental company or other documentation of the charges for your rental.

You will have an opportunity to explain your circumstances and missing information during your claim submission.

7. Police report

> What is this?
When an accident occurs and you suffer loss or damage, the police or local law enforcement agency can typically supply you with a document detailing the circumstances surrounding the incident. This document contains important information about your accident, including the date and time of the incident, the time and date that the police were notified, driver and passenger details, a summary of the damage, and any witness statements. If your claim becomes a legal matter, this report can be invaluable.

> Why is it needed?
During a claim assessment, we need to verify the circumstances of more serious accidents. If your claim becomes a legal matter this report can be invaluable.  The documents you provide as proof help us to do so. 

>What should it include?
  1. Date and time of the incident.
  2. Details of the incident.
  3. Personal details of individuals involved.
  4. Any witness statements.
  5. Date and time the police were notified.
  Document - Final invoice

>What if I don’t have these documents?
If you don’t have the particular documents requested, please supply other evidence to support your claim. This can include photos, correspondence about the incident, etc. 

You will have an opportunity to explain your circumstances and missing information during your claim submission.

8. Damage report

> What is it?
When your rental car is damaged during your trip, your rental company will provide a damage report, also known as an accident or incident report. It will generally be a form where the rental company will indicate the areas on the car that have been damaged. You can contact your rental company if you have not received this document. 

> Why is it needed?
During a claim assessment, we need to verify the damage that has been done to the car. It helps us ensure that the correct information has been exchanged between the parties involved in the accident. The documents you provide as proof help us to do so. 

> What should it include?
  1. Customer information.
  2. Vehicle information. 
  3. Event information.
  Document - Rental Agreement

>What if I don’t have these documents?
If you don’t have the particular documents requested, please supply other evidence to support your claim. This can include photos, correspondence about the incident, etc. 

You will have an opportunity to explain your circumstances and missing information during your claim submission.

Once your claim is approved, our friendly Claims Team will send you a payment email containing a secure link. Simply click 'Get My Payment' and carefully complete your bank details. Incorrect or incomplete payment details may cause delays in payment processing.

As soon as we have received your details, we will automatically process your payment. Payments may take up to 5 days to complete. The biggest cause of delays is incorrect bank details.

If any alternative payment types are available, they will be listed on the secure page. We don’t send cheques in the mail.

The protection we offer is a reimbursable product which means the rental company charges your credit card for damages and we refund you afterwards if your claim is approved.

If you are a US resident with our “Collision Damage Protection” plan, your claim will follow these four stress-free steps:


Start the process via our online form and then we will advise the next steps.

Once you've submitted your claim with the insurance provider Crum & Forster, they will assess your claim

You’ll be notified by email from Crum & Forster when your claim has been approved

Crum & Forster will post you a cheque for the refund amount in the name of the insured passenger

Please note that claims normally take between 4-5 weeks to be assessed, though this may take longer if any documents are missing.

You can always track your claim via the claims portal but please contact us if you have any issues with your Crum & Forster claim.

Please make sure to remove the dashes from your INS number when you fill in your details on the Crum & Forster claim form. 

This invoice displays the final amount that you will have paid your rental company in the event of an accident, once the final charges have been settled.

The final rental invoice includes any excess charges, minus any refunds you might have received from the rental company

We need this document to pay your claim as it confirms the final amount you have been charged.

If you are having difficulty obtaining this document, we recommend calling your rental company for a speedier response.

How to make a claim

After your trip has ended and your vehicle has been returned you can submit your claim using our online form.

When you first visit RentalCover you will need to activate your account. Simply find the RentalCover confirmation SMS or email in your inbox or spam and click the activation link. If you’re having issues, it may be because the email addresses of some Apple users aren’t shared with RentalCover. Instead, you can simply click on the link provided in the confirmation email you received when you purchased RentalCover Protection and update your email address.

Du kan sende inn et krav når som helst eller leveringsdatoen, bortsett fra der polisen er fra Crum & Forster, da har du 20 dager for å fremsette et krav og 90 dager for å skaffe bevis, men vi anbefaler at du fremsetter kravet ditt så raskt som mulig. 

Du finner denne informasjonen på forsikringsdokumentene, som ligger på siden Min konto

Det kan hende du kan levere inn et krav utenfor denne tidsrammen, men du vil måtte forklare årsaken til forsinkelsen.
If you have been involved in a multi-vehicle accident, please ensure you collect the other parties' details including their: 
  • Full name.
  • Address.
  • Licence number.
  • Vehicle registration number.
  • Phone number.
  • Email address.
  • Name of their insurer.
You will need to share these details with both us and your rental car company when you begin a claim.

The claims process is different for single and multiple-vehicle accidents, and it can also differ by country.

Generally for accidents where more than one vehicle is involved, an investigation usually takes place between your rental company and the third party’s insurer. Please share the details of your rental company as the primary protection provider to the third party. However, in the US and some other countries, the investigation is between us and the other driver's insurer.

Please remember for a successful claim you must ensure you have not broken any local laws or breached your rental agreement. 

For more information on the claims process, please read the wording in your RentalCover Account.

If you have a US rental with our “Supplemental Liability Insurance” plan, your claim will follow these four steps:


Start the process via our online form and then we will advise the next steps.

Once you've submitted your claim with the insurer, they will assess your claim.

You’ll be notified when your claim has been approved.

The insurer will issue the payment to the third party.

Please contact us if you have any issues with your claim. For more information about SLI please read this article.

If you make a claim, you may be required to pay an excess (also known as a deductible). An excess is usually an agreed amount or percentage that is subtracted from every covered claim event. For specific details about your RentalCover Protection and your excess amount, please check your RentalCover Protection documents. 

Excesses are usually part of most insurance products and help keep prices lower by having the RentalCover Protection holder absorb or contribute to part of the loss.

If applicable, your excess or deductible will be shown on your certificate.
If you receive a request for additional evidence related to a document you already provided, please check the email from the RentalCover Claims Team with the subject “We need your help”, to see what has been requested in order to progress with the claim assessment. This may include:
  1. An issue with your document file. Common file issues include formatting issues, documents that are blurry or hard to read and blank files. Please upload a new version of your document file and make sure it is clear and easy to read.
  2. Information is missing from your document. Our claims assessors need certain information in your document in order to verify the details of your claim. Please re-upload your document ensuring that it includes all the required information. This helpful article explains what information your documented evidence needs to include, based on your claim reason.
  3. The information in your document doesn’t match the information you provided during the claims process. Please ensure you upload the correct document to support your claim.
The biggest cause of delays during claim assessment is incorrect or missing evidence, without which your claim status will be changed to ‘pending’ or ‘closed’, depending on the time taken.
Before submitting a request for a reexamination, we recommend reading through your wording to understand what your RentalCover Protection covers. 

The RentalCover Claims Team does a thorough assessment of each claim based on the inclusions and exclusions outlined in your wording, the circumstances you describe in your claim information, and the supporting evidence you provide. If you have new evidence to support your claim, you can reply to any of our emails for a reexamination of your claim. 

In the email, tell us why you’d like to appeal your claim. Then attach any documentation that supports your appeal. Please make sure the documents you upload are high-quality and easy to read.
If you have already appealed your claim outcome and you’re still unhappy with our final response, the formal complaint process is outlined in your wording. You can find more information on how to file a complaint in your wording.
After successfully submitting your claim, you’ll be able to follow the progress of your claim in the Claims Centre. Here’s a quick summary of what all the statuses mean.
Submitted You have successfully submitted your claim. The claim assessment will begin shortly.
Under Assessment We are actively assessing your claim. Keep an eye on your inbox. We may request additional information or documents to support your claim. This helpful article has a guide to what documents you may need.
Action Required We require you to complete an action before progressing with your claim assessment. Please check your inbox for an email from us letting you know the details we need. For example, we may ask for additional documents to support your claim, provide instructions for an inspection of the item you are claiming for, etc. Your claim will remain in this status and not progress further until you complete the action.
Settled Your claim assessment has been completed and your claim fulfilled. This helpful article explains how you will receive your claim payment if your claim has been approved.
Closed The action previously required by you was not completed in the specified timeframe and your claim has been closed.
Under Review If your claim has been closed and you send us additional documentation our team will review the information provided.
Declined Your claim has been declined.
Withdrawn You requested for the claim to be withdrawn.
After successfully submitting your claim, you’ll be able to see the status of your supporting documents in the Claims Centre. We’ll update the document status as we receive and process your documents. Here’s a quick summary of what all the statuses mean.
  • Not provided: No documents have been uploaded for that document type. 
  • Received: We have received your document and will assess it soon.
  • Processed: Your document matches our requirements, and we are proceeding with your claim assessment,
  • Reupload required: There is an issue with your document. Please check the ‘Comments’ section under the document to see what action is required from you.
  • New document requested: After reviewing your claim information, we need additional evidence from you. Click the ‘Example’ link under the document name to find out more about this document and where to get it.
If you’ve already submitted a claim and our friendly Claims Team request additional or corrected documents, or you would like to add supporting evidence to your claim, you can do so by following the steps below:
  1. Go to the Claims Centre via the link in your email with the subject line “We need more information”.
  2. Click on ‘Upload File’ on the evidence you would like to add.
  3. In the document screen, drag your documents into the section or browse to where the documents are located on your device and click on ‘Submit Document’.

The biggest cause of delays during claim assessment is incorrect or missing paperwork, without which your claim status will be changed to ‘pending’ or ‘closed’, depending on the time taken.

This helpful article has a guide to what documents you may need based on your claim reason.