

  1. 在您提出索償之前
    我們需要這4份或5份文件。 更多信息 ›
  2. 提交您的索償申請
    输入您的详细信息以立即付款。 更多信息 ›
  3. 我們可能會有一個或兩個問題,但通常都沒有!
    95%的索償申請均可在無疑問的情況下獲批。索償程序非常簡單,而且我們會向您通知其進度。 更多信息 ›
  4. 我們的付款團隊將會完成付款
    您收到款項的期間將會依您的居住國家及你的旅遊國家而有所不同,通常會在撥款後天內入帳。 更多信息 ›
  5. 請記住,我們隨時可為您提供協助!


• 此表僅為一般情況的簡介,由於各州的差異,此表可能不適用於您的具體情況。
租車公司 誰為車損買單? 如何支付車損賬單? 您需要了解的其他信息
ACE 車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方 ACE將直接與RentalCover.com聯繫 • 在事故發生後或者還車時,ACE將立即聯繫您的車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方。
• 如果簽發方因故(例如不在營業時間)未能即刻承擔後續責任,ACE不會向您收費,但將持續聯繫您的車輛碰撞險(CDW)。
Alamo 車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方 Alamo將直接與RentalCover.com聯繫 • 在事故發生後或者還車時,ACE將立即聯繫您的車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方。
• 如果簽發方因故(例如不在營業時間)未能即刻承擔後續責任,Alamo將向您收取損壞費用,您可在此後向車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方尋求加急保險理賠。
Advantage 車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方 Advantage將直接與RentalCover.com聯繫 • 您需盡快聯系您的車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方,以便他們理賠您要向租車公司支付的事故費用。
• 如果簽發方因故(例如不在營業時間)未能即刻承擔後續責任,您需持續聯繫您的車輛碰撞險(CDW),但Advantage不會向您收費。
Avis 車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方 Avis將直接與RentalCover.com聯繫 • 在事故發生後或者還車時,Avis將立即聯繫您的車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方。
• 如果簽發方因故(例如不在營業時間)未能即刻承擔後續責任,Avis將向您收取損壞費用,您可在此後向車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方尋求加急保險理賠。
Budget 保單持有人 Budget將根據“損壞評估”向您收取一定費用,通常從您的信用卡上扣費。AON會返還您該筆費用,我們建議您在一開始就嘗試讓AON付款。 • 您需盡快聯系您的車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方,以便他們退還您為車損支付的費用。
• 在保單持有人取車時,Budget將核實其信用卡並極有可能核實其信用卡付款上限。
Dollar 車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方 Dollar會將司機視為賠償責任的承擔方,直到車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方為您承擔賠償責任。他們可能從您的信用卡上扣費。AON會返還您該筆費用,我們建議您在一開始就嘗試讓AON付款。 • 事故發生後或您還車時,Dollar將立刻聯系您的車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方。
• 如果簽發方因故(例如不在營業時間)未能即刻承擔後續責任,Dollar將向您收取損壞費用,您可在此後向車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方尋求加急保險理賠。
Enterprise 保單持有人 Enterprise將根據“損壞評估”向您收取一定費用,通常從您的信用卡上扣費。AON會返還您該筆費用,我們建議您在一開始就嘗試讓AON付款。 • 發生車損後,Enterprise將直接從您的信用卡上扣除一筆自付額($500 - $1000)。 
• 您需盡快聯系您的車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方,以便他們退還您為車損支付的費用。
Hertz 保單持有人 Hertz會將司機視為賠償責任的承擔方,直到車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方為您承擔賠償責任。他們可能從您的信用卡上扣費。AON會返還您該筆費用,我們建議您在一開始就嘗試讓AON付款。 • 您需盡快聯系您的車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方,以便他們退還您為車損支付的費用。
• 在保單持有人取車時,Hertz將核實其信用卡並極有可能核實其信用卡付款上限。
National 保單持有人 National會將司機視為賠償責任的承擔方,直到車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方為您承擔賠償責任。他們可能從您的信用卡上扣費。AON會返還您該筆費用,我們建議您在一開始就嘗試讓AON付款。 • 您需盡快聯系您的車輛碰撞險(CDW)簽發方,以便他們退還您為車損支付的費用。
• 在保單持有人取車時,National將核實其信用卡並極有可能核實其信用卡付款上限。
Zipcar 待確認 待確認 待確認



  1. 馬克來自美國。他在法國發生了一起事故,被他的租賃公司收了500歐元。
  2. 馬克的“損失貨幣”是€,而他的“批准索賠金額”是500€. 
  3. 當馬克向他的租賃公司支付損害賠償金時,他用的是美元信用卡。 他的信用卡公司在交易中增加了“國際卡費”,使用了一個非常低的外匯兌換匯率。 
  4. Mark的索賠被批准了,所以他收到了一條文本消息和電子郵件,RentalCover.com 其中有付款表單的連結。馬克有一個美元的銀行帳戶,他更喜歡收到美元,因為他的銀行對非美元轉帳者會收取過高的費用,同時可能需要幾周時間完成這個過程。
  5. 马克立即收到他的美元付款(在其他国家可能需要更长的时间)。 RentalCover.com
作為一名國際旅行者,馬克的信用卡帳單上顯示的金額可能比成功索賠的金額要高。這是因為上面的第三條。我們不包括貨幣兌換費用和其他信用卡費用,但是我們建議所有國際旅行者都要 採取一些預防措施 從而他們能在他們下一次旅行中節省錢。 








我們將透過電郵告知您索賠過程的每一步。我們的目標是在 3 日內完成 95% 的索賠。







我們將透過電郵告知您索賠過程的每一步。我們的目標是在 3 日內完成 95% 的索賠。



1. 聯絡您的租車公司報告事故。您可以在已簽署的租車協議上找到他們的聯絡號碼。保管好租車協議,因為您在索賠時需要該協議。某些國家或地區會要求您向警方報告所有事故。為確保您的索賠不會被拒絕,請檢查您的租約查看該要求是否適用於您。

2. 我們建議您拍攝照片,以記錄您的車輛及其他車輛的損壞情況。

3. 遵照租車公司的指示且 您的租車期限已結束 ,最終收費已由租車公司結清後,透過 RentalCover.com 遞交索賠

切勿在租車公司不知情的情況下,自行安排車輛修復或維修,因為這樣做會使他們的租車條款及細則無效。 拖車及車輛重置在 RentalCover.com 保單的保障範圍內。我們不承保住宿或電話費用等「額外支出」的費用。

​我們收到所需的所有文件及資訊後,我們的索賠團隊可以開始處理您的索賠並準備您的退款。我們的目標是在 3 日內完成 95% 的索賠。


1. 租賃協議副本

> 這是甚麼?

> 為甚麼需要這個?

> 協議需要包括甚麼?
  1. 租賃日期。
  2. 授權司機姓名。

  Document - Rental Agreement

2. 您的駕駛執照照片

> 這是甚麼?

> 為甚麼需要這個?

> 協議需要包括甚麼?
  1. 姓名。
  2. 地址。
  3. 駕駛執照號碼 (如適用)。
  4. 出生日期。
  Document - Driver's license

3. 顯示了租賃公司最終收取費用的銀行或信用卡結單

> 這是甚麼?

> 為甚麼需要這個?
  Document - Bank statement

​4. 租賃公司的維修發票

> 這是甚麼?

> 為甚麼需要這個?

> 協議需要包括甚麼?


  1. 維修費用明細。
  Document - Driver's license

5. 司機和租賃公司之間的書面通訊

> 這是甚麼?

> 為甚麼需要這個?

6. 租賃公司向您開立的最終發票

> 這是甚麼?

> 為甚麼需要這個?

> 協議需要包括甚麼?
  1. 費用明細
  Document - Final invoice

7. 如適用,請附上警察報告副本

> 這是甚麼?

> 為甚麼需要這個?

> 協議需要包括甚麼?
  1. 事故日期和時間。
  2. 事故詳情。
  3. 肇事各方的個人詳細資料。
  4. 任何證人證詞。
  5. 通知警察的日期和時間。
  Document - Final invoice

8. 損壞報告

> 這是甚麼?

> 為甚麼需要這個?

> 協議需要包括甚麼?
  1. 客戶資訊。
  2. 車輛資訊。
  3. 事件詳情。
  Document - Rental Agreement

三個工作日是 RentalCover.com 保單的標準退款期限。倘若缺少文件,退款可能需要更長時間,所以請一開始就備齊所有文件。


1. 遞交您的索賠


2. 填空

已經向我們提供了所有必需的文件?如果是這樣,您可以跳到第三步。倘若缺少文件或我們的團隊需要更多資訊,我們將在您遞交索賠後 48 小時內與您聯絡。不過,好消息是,98% 的索賠會在首次遞交時獲得批准。

3. 讓我們批准您的索賠


4. 讓我們獲得付款





我們的保險合作夥伴 Aon 將處理及評估您的索賠


Aon 將以被保險乘客的名義向您郵寄一張退款支票

您可以通過 Aon 的門戶網站追蹤您的索賠(您將需要提供預訂單號)。

倘若您對 Aon 索賠有任何問題,請與我們聯繫。







退車日之後,您可以隨時提交索賠,但保單來自 Crum & Forster 的情況除外,在這種情況下,您有 20 天的時間提出索賠,90 天的時間提供證據,但我們推薦您立即提出索賠。 


If you have been involved in a multi-vehicle accident, please ensure you collect the other parties' details including their: 
  • Full name.
  • Address.
  • Licence number.
  • Vehicle registration number.
  • Phone number.
  • Email address.
  • Name of their insurer.
You will need to share these details with both us and your rental car company when you begin a claim.

The claims process is different for single and multiple-vehicle accidents, and it can also differ by country.

Generally for accidents where more than one vehicle is involved, an investigation usually takes place between your rental company and the third party’s insurer. Please share the details of your rental company as the primary protection provider to the third party. However, in the US and some other countries, the investigation is between us and the other driver's insurer.

Please remember for a successful claim you must ensure you have not broken any local laws or breached your rental agreement. 

For more information on the claims process, please read the wording in your RentalCover Account.

If you have a US rental with our “Supplemental Liability Insurance” plan, your claim will follow these four steps:


Start the process via our online form and then we will advise the next steps.

Once you've submitted your claim with the insurer, they will assess your claim.

You’ll be notified when your claim has been approved.

The insurer will issue the payment to the third party.

Please contact us if you have any issues with your claim. For more information about SLI please read this article.

If you make a claim, you may be required to pay an excess (also known as a deductible). An excess is usually an agreed amount or percentage that is subtracted from every covered claim event. For specific details about your RentalCover Protection and your excess amount, please check your RentalCover Protection documents. 

Excesses are usually part of most insurance products and help keep prices lower by having the RentalCover Protection holder absorb or contribute to part of the loss.

If applicable, your excess or deductible will be shown on your certificate.
If you receive a request for additional evidence related to a document you already provided, please check the email from the RentalCover Claims Team with the subject “We need your help”, to see what has been requested in order to progress with the claim assessment. This may include:
  1. An issue with your document file. Common file issues include formatting issues, documents that are blurry or hard to read and blank files. Please upload a new version of your document file and make sure it is clear and easy to read.
  2. Information is missing from your document. Our claims assessors need certain information in your document in order to verify the details of your claim. Please re-upload your document ensuring that it includes all the required information. This helpful article explains what information your documented evidence needs to include, based on your claim reason.
  3. The information in your document doesn’t match the information you provided during the claims process. Please ensure you upload the correct document to support your claim.
The biggest cause of delays during claim assessment is incorrect or missing evidence, without which your claim status will be changed to ‘pending’ or ‘closed’, depending on the time taken.
Before submitting a request for a reexamination, we recommend reading through your wording to understand what your RentalCover Protection covers. 

The RentalCover Claims Team does a thorough assessment of each claim based on the inclusions and exclusions outlined in your wording, the circumstances you describe in your claim information, and the supporting evidence you provide. If you have new evidence to support your claim, you can reply to any of our emails for a reexamination of your claim. 

In the email, tell us why you’d like to appeal your claim. Then attach any documentation that supports your appeal. Please make sure the documents you upload are high-quality and easy to read.
If you have already appealed your claim outcome and you’re still unhappy with our final response, the formal complaint process is outlined in your wording. You can find more information on how to file a complaint in your wording.
After successfully submitting your claim, you’ll be able to follow the progress of your claim in the Claims Centre. Here’s a quick summary of what all the statuses mean.
Submitted You have successfully submitted your claim. The claim assessment will begin shortly.
Under Assessment We are actively assessing your claim. Keep an eye on your inbox. We may request additional information or documents to support your claim. This helpful article has a guide to what documents you may need.
Action Required We require you to complete an action before progressing with your claim assessment. Please check your inbox for an email from us letting you know the details we need. For example, we may ask for additional documents to support your claim, provide instructions for an inspection of the item you are claiming for, etc. Your claim will remain in this status and not progress further until you complete the action.
Settled Your claim assessment has been completed and your claim fulfilled. This helpful article explains how you will receive your claim payment if your claim has been approved.
Closed The action previously required by you was not completed in the specified timeframe and your claim has been closed.
Under Review If your claim has been closed and you send us additional documentation our team will review the information provided.
Declined Your claim has been declined.
Withdrawn You requested for the claim to be withdrawn.
After successfully submitting your claim, you’ll be able to see the status of your supporting documents in the Claims Centre. We’ll update the document status as we receive and process your documents. Here’s a quick summary of what all the statuses mean.
  • Not provided: No documents have been uploaded for that document type. 
  • Received: We have received your document and will assess it soon.
  • Processed: Your document matches our requirements, and we are proceeding with your claim assessment,
  • Reupload required: There is an issue with your document. Please check the ‘Comments’ section under the document to see what action is required from you.
  • New document requested: After reviewing your claim information, we need additional evidence from you. Click the ‘Example’ link under the document name to find out more about this document and where to get it.
If you’ve already submitted a claim and our friendly Claims Team request additional or corrected documents, or you would like to add supporting evidence to your claim, you can do so by following the steps below:
  1. Go to the Claims Centre via the link in your email with the subject line “We need more information”.
  2. Click on ‘Upload File’ on the evidence you would like to add.
  3. In the document screen, drag your documents into the section or browse to where the documents are located on your device and click on ‘Submit Document’.

The biggest cause of delays during claim assessment is incorrect or missing paperwork, without which your claim status will be changed to ‘pending’ or ‘closed’, depending on the time taken.

This helpful article has a guide to what documents you may need based on your claim reason.